Sunday August 11 through Thursday August 15 NOT A GREAT WEEK SO FAR

 No need to comment.  I just needed to get this all out. 


Rest.  We did go out to pay a bill (Christmas Recliners for DH and Pops now paid off) and to the produce market.  Didn't go to Friends Bday party, just couldn't do anything more.  DH went to a show at a local winery with friend.  It's close to our house, and they do lots of live music.  DH thinks I would like it there (not the wine, the atmosphere)


Aunt back in ER and DS and I were with her for a few hours.  Being Admitted.   Co Educator took my first few hours, since his day was so sporadic I was able to take his hours when I got there.  Very grateful he could help me. 

Cousin I am closest with (she also helped me raise our daughter and helps me at the Studio) and I spoke briefly about Rae-Rae's Ashes and my plans. It only took me 5 years to decide.   Also spoke with her Mom in a separate call.  2 hours later I found out my Uncle H had a massive heart attack. 

Taught 4-7 pm

Did Stop and Shop and BJ's pickup

Had a very upsetting phone call with THE Uncle (the one I type about a lot)   He in Rae-Rae's last months of life was insulting and critical of the amount (too much according to him) time I was spending with her and her care.  Yesterday he was rude and disparaging about my Mother, and how I care for her.  Basically saying I should put her in an Uber to a doctors appointment.  I don't approve of how he is caring for his sister, my Aunt who is back in hospital.  He may be involved medically (he is on hospital staff) but he hasn't seen her AT ALL.  He has always been quite nasty about my Mother's side of the family.  I've had enough of it.  


The loaf of bread from the Produce Market (which I just went to open today) was moldy.  Ugh.  

My oldest friends Mother died unexpectedly 

My Uncle H is gone too.  They waited for his son to arrive from out of state and removed him from life support

Aunt who was in ER is now in ICU.  

I did have a calm phone call with THE Uncle.  I asked him to let me speak and state my thoughts.  I told him how his words regarding my Grandmother had changed how I felt about him, and that how he spoke to me yesterday also has made me lose respect for him.  He tried speaking to me as a clinician, and I said this is a family issue, not what you think my Mother's care should be.  It was rude, and disrespectful.  If you expect me to continue what I do for you, and will need to do for you in the future I need an apology.  First one I didn't accept (he did the kid apology, I'm sorry that your feelings were hurt) no, that is not good enough.  We talked about a few other things.  I finally got a better apology.  We will see.  

A very sad and emotionally draining day.  I powered through and taught everyone, though I didn't want to.   Taught 2-8

Very disheartening phone call with ICU nurse who was rude and annoying. 


Didn't sleep well.  Laundry.  Concord Grape and 2 new Elderberry Bushes planted and watered in well. Did Farm Share Pick up.   Shipped an eBay order.  Put some things were they should go. Ordered some final sale shoes at Jambu with my Rakuten rebate money.   Dizzy all day.  

Taught 130-8


Well, today started off with a bang.  Last week someone tried to break into DS car. Damaged the drivers side door handle.  Early this morning, they succeeded.  It was stolen.  For some odd reason the Police knew about it before we did, showed up at 3 am ringing bell (which we didn't hear) and banging on door (again, didn't hear) When Pops woke up at 4 am he saw it was gone.  Called the police, and the officer on our ring at 3 am arrived.  None of our cameras picked it up.  DH didn't even bother going back to sleep.  DS and I did go back to sleep and slept til 830 am.  She handled it much better than I expected.  I felt like I was having a panic attack.  I did take some Sudafed, as the dizziness was starting to feel like my sinus' were the culprit.  It helped. 

Visited Aunt in Hospital.  Had to ask her some difficult questions.     Got home, showered.  Quickly ate something than started making some more phone calls for her. 

Taught from 3 - 630 pm.   While there a neighbor with security system messaged me and sent me videos of the suspected thieves.  DS called officer on case and left him a message regarding them.  He doesn't come on til Midnight, so she left him a message.  

Praying that things start turning around.  We have certainly been tested these last few days.  
