What Was on the Table First Week of February

 Sunday February 2 was breakfast sandwiches made at home, lunch was leftovers, dinner was fend for yourself.  

Monday DH surprised us all with Bento boxes from a Japanese Restuarant (he was home for medical test, and he and DD went on an adventure) and it was a delicious and well received dinner.   For lunch I brought a salad to studio (chopped Caesar Salad kit with 3 oz of blackened chicken from the freezer. 

Tuesday and I made Creamy baked potato soup using the leftover potatoes from when I made the corned beef, carrots, onion, celery, and the little bit of corned beef chopped up find for flavor.  It apparently was a winner as it went fast.  Crackers or bread for those who wanted it. 

Wednesday was stew beef with broccoli over rice

Thursday was Beef Chili. Over rice again. 

Friday was eat what you can throw together from leftovers.  Most people in the house enjoyed bagels.  

Saturday DD treated to Cousins Lobster Truck.  She offered to treat, I told her no need.  She starts her new job on Monday, our last hurrah before she starts earning again and starts thinking about moving out.  


  1. I have been thinking about making baked potato soup. I love it.


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