I sometimes do a weekly activity blog to show myself how much I DO do. Sometimes I feel like I haven't accomplished a thing, so it's good do keep track once in a while.
Sunday ordered a new birth certificate for Pops, which I plan to put in a file of his important papers I will now keep. He gets a copy. Made meatballs and sauce, baked a loaf of honey wheat bread. Also made breakfast of egg sandwiches. Made bed, showered, dressed (yes I'm listing these as a win) Put together care bags for Auntie, went to get her a requested roast beef sandwich, DH drove me into New Haven where we visited for a while, and showed her all her goodies. Came home, worked on Newsletter and billing, worked on Blog posts. Packaged up to orders for shipping tomorrow.
Monday, took DS to a medical procedure. Shipped packages. DID NOT go to Starbucks. Came home vacuumed living room/dining room/back hallway and our bedroom. Planned next bread bake for Tuesday. Placed a very small pickup order at Stop and Shop. VERY SMALL. Did a small workout. Hung a load of laundry. Placed a BJ's pickup order too (small). Gassed up the car. Taught 330-8
Tuesday, pick up DM to take to eye injection appointment at 730 am. Picked up BJ's order. Cooked pork chops, baked potatoes, broccoli and rice (which is for the next meal I create, needs to be a day old) Restocked main bathroom. Spoke with skilled nursing center with a question about why they are billing us when her insurance is still covering her. Does anyone have any experience with T19 Husky C? I thought that wouldn't kick in until her insurance stopped paying. I'm concerned they are double dipping. Emailed an attorney about another topic. This is the third attorney I had tried. Loaded and ran the dishwasher. Taught 3 - 830
Wednesday, stripped and made the Bed with fresh sheets. Started a load of laundry. Cleaned out the garage freezer (top of a fridge) to get it ready for use. Called attorney again. Emailed DSS contact. Emptied all trash in the bedrooms and bathrooms. Called another attorney about a previous issue. Got our taxes back and I'm not freaking out, which is a good thing. Mailed an eBay sale. Investigated more options for Mom. Put in a load of daughters laundry (she is now working a 40+ hour position between several hospitals) and I want to help her out when I can. Taught 330-7
Thursday, Emailed with an attorney. Brought up and folded DD laundry. Started a sheets load. Made chicken fried rice and pot stickers. Cleaned the stove. Got several calls from different doctors regarding Aunt. Taught 230-7
Friday, not much. Very tired. Exhausted actually. My get up and go has got up and went. I have been having flare symptoms, and my next infusion is on the 6th of March. Taught 3-830
Saturday ended up taking teaching off to be with my Aunt in ICU for most of the day.
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