Honestly, these numbers are unreal. For my household of 5 adults (ages 31, 55, 58, 63 and 80) the thrifty plan would be $1243.70. I think I did that ONCE when we had more disposable income.
How are people doing this? A family of 2 adults and 2 children is estimated to be $993.00!
The federal minimum wage is $7.25 an hour (here in CT, the minimum wage is $16.25 an hour). I am basing my thoughts on these two wages for this argument.
Let's say the family of 4, with the two children, has two parents working 40 hour weeks each at minimum wage. That is $580.00 a week before taxes. Yes, minimum wage was started years ago for youth to make some money. More and more the working poor are working sometimes 80 hours a week just to make a livable wage. So let's test that math by using the CT minimum wage.
If a two earner family in CT was working 80 hours combined, at minimum wage, they would earn approximately $1300 a month before taxes. Based on CT income tax and Federal tax/SS/Medicare your yearly take home pay would be approximately $49,725.00. Take home $4143.75 (not including any possible insurance coverage taken out) so we will guesstimate that total for a family of 4
Monthly Take Home Pay $4143.75
Less Health Insurance Plan -100.00
Thrify USDA food plan -993.00
Rent -1800.00
Transportation Costs (estimated Fuel and Insurance) -200.00
Electricity -200.00
Heating Costs -400 (based on my heating oil costs)
Balance left at the end $450.75
of the month
I fear my amounts are not high enough. However, even with this gentle estimate............ there are many costs I did not include. Child care, or after school care. Clothing. Potential car payment.
This fictional family of 4 makes to much to get Medicaid in our state. They could qualify for Husky, but would have to make a monthly premium payment. They might qualify for food stamps/Snap, however it may take weeks to qualify.
Wow. That's all I can say. Wow
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