Week Starting Sunday September 29, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday

Sunday DH and DD pulled me into an adventure, though I didn't want to.  I wanted to stay home and hover over Pops and perhaps do more chores, especially in garden.  I am glad that I did end up going. 

Drove to the Mass/RI line and went to a flea market.  We paid $4 to enter, but it was well worth the entertainment and searching value.  No other monies were spent. 

DD has been missing seafood.  We went to Iggy's and she and DH at clam fritters, clam chowder (New England).  DH had fried shrimp platter with fries and coleslaw.  DD got lobster roll and fries.  I got lobster roll (minus roll) and onion rings which I shared.  Also a side salad.  Delicious, well worth the cost. 

Then we went to the ocean.  State parks are now closed, so no entrance/parking fee.  The sound of the waves was very peaceful.  I needed this day.  It's been so long since I wasn't in flight or fight mode. 

Monday was billing, money moving, cleaning    Taught 330-8

Tuesday was very stressful meeting with Aunt's care team as well as social worker.   Was very heartbreaking and depressing to watch as well as feel.  She can't stand unassisted, she cannot walk unassisted, she wants to go home but she lives the farthest from us in Litchfield County.  She also needs to have 24 hour care which she cannot afford.  She has been back and forth from hospital to rehab and back to hospital again for almost 4 full months.  I had to tell her that her dogs were split up to go to new homes.  Her little one she wasn't happy (nor were we, as the neighbors did it on their own) about her new home.  She was happy with the middle one's new home.  Her loving Bassett hound is going to a friend who has children and I'm sure they would let me take her on a field trip to see her.  That didn't make it any easier for her.  She feels alone, with nothing to live for.  I understand it.  Still so hard to hear her say it out loud.  Here insurance coverage could potentially run out in 10 days, unless her PT and OT give promising reports.  She has made progress, she can sit up on her own now, can scoot from wheel chair to couch, bed to wheel chair.   But she cannot walk.  She cannot stand.  There is also the fact that though surgery removed tumors from her spine and hip, she still needs radiation therapy.  Sigh.  Late to studio, taught 3 - 8

Wednesday up early to get DD to motor vehicle.  She is now a CT licensed driver again for the first time in 12 years (my adventure girl has lived in 4 states since turning 18)       Laundry, Hung and in Dryer.  Tidy up.  Visiting Nurse.  Studio 3 - 730
