This Week Starting September 22

Sunday DD and I went out to use yet another GC at a local business (gifted from a student) I was able to get 4 mums, a purple aster and 4 bunches of native corn to hang.  I spent all but 7 cents.  It made me happy to do this Fall Activity.  

Still feeling very wiped from Thursday the 19th's infusion.  Was hoping I could rest more, but had to deal with other appointments and no rest for the weary. 

DD organized our built in pantry. 

Monday was 3 doctor appointments for three different family members (one was me)  and a PT eval for Pops.  Found out I'm fighting an infection, hence being so wiped.   Two vaccines.  No studio, except for one virtual.  Had subs for other lessons.   Also had a home Depot order,  a big y order and a bj's pickup.  Made stock.  Had a canning snafu, so they are now in the fridge.  

Tuesday Taught 2-8  Made Chicken soup with potato and carrots requested by Pops.  

Wednesday 730 am to get oil change and tire rotation.  Then last farm share pickup (so sad).  Taught 230 pm to 8 pm.   Need new tires.  Have an appointment on Friday.  Very grateful DH had some slices of veggie pizza waiting for me when I got home.  

Thursday dentist at 1120 am.  Problem with Pops' Picc line.  Waiting for nurse to arrive.  We ended up having Picc line nurse and nyphrostomy nurse arrive at the same time.  Called insurances,  found out how to cancel Aunts cell phone account.  Worked on billing. DS and I discussed snafus with nyphrostomy nurse service.  Not happy.  I ordered supplies on my own, as they seem to be billing for them yet we don't receive any.  DS put in a call to the nursing provider, I wasn't satisfied.  Add another thing to my to do list.  Newsletter.  Made Chicken corn chowder.  Taught 230 pm to 630 pm. 

Friday Spent 2 hours getting new tires.  Well worth it.  Then DD and I did some fall decorating.   Filled truck with things to be brought to the dump.  Taught 3 - 730.  

Saturday taught 830 am to 1230 am.   DH got 4 new tires today for his all electric vehicle.  Big maintenance week.  
