Going to Be a Long Road

 Today Pops was moved out of ICU.  Huge positive change.  So different from 2 days ago.  The cocktail of antibiotics, fluids and rest have made such a huge difference. They have gotten his heart rate back to an acceptable range, as well as his BP is now up.  They are hoping the AFib was a by product of his infection. 

They have also narrowed down the bacteria that is coursing through his body.  He went into septic shock on Saturday.  Terrifying. 

He is having a procedure done the end of this week (we hope)   This will help drain some of the infection from his Kidney. 

He may be able to come home for a time before the next procedure.  He will have a permenant port put in for IV push antibiotics.  

He still isn't eating much.  Has lost 24 lbs.  He has had multiple x-rays,  ultrasounds, cat scans and mris of heart, lungs, kidneys, bladder.  

He did walk around his unit this morning and yesterday with a walker and attendants on either side. 

I plan on being more persistent when I see any kind of health concern.  No more letting him argue and bully me.  


  1. Hopefully, his health will improve more and soon. I know it is hard to let him do as he wants as a sentient being and not letting him have his way for his own good.


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