What I did Monday July 29 through Saturday August 3, 2024

 Well, Monday started with the Uncle waking me up at 645 am panicking about his new Iphone 15.  He got it yesterday, and actually came over for 3 hours.  The problems started when he got home, and he called us just as we were getting ready for bed.  DH drove over there (45 minutes) as we knew he would never sleep.  I stayed on the phone trying things with him.  DH thought he had gotten everything resolved.  But nope!

Took an hour, so I didn't do my morning reading.  Went to Target to do a beverage pickup. 

Prepped, blanched and froze Turnips from the garden. 

Listed 3 items on Etsy

Bagged up frozen blueberries and but 2 more pints in freezer. 

Hard boiled 1.5 dozen eggs in instant pot (DS peeled them, and she also vacuumed!)

Broiled sirloin tips for them to have for dinner tonight with rice.  

Plenty of cooked veggies and cut fruit in fridge for later.  

Leave for studio 1245 and taught til 8 pm. 

Started to feel like I was getting sick around 5 pm.  Ugh

Stop and Shop pickup on way home. 


Woke up feeling just like yesterday.  Hoping just all the late nights early mornings recently.  Also emotionally drained with elders.  Aunt back in hospital.  Not looking good.  I'm her executor.  (she is now in isolation with covid) sheesh.  She has had 2 surgeries in 4 weeks, multiple points of cancer found, and now this.  Please put her in your prayers. 

Searched for some of her legal papers (found right where I though they were) and tidied up my office for a bit.  

Listed one item on eBay. 

Leave for studio at 130 pm and teach til 8 pm  630 as I was heading to hospital..when I got the Isolation call..to go home. 

So, I went home, took Benadryl and Tylenol and went to bed.  


Feel much better today.  Definitely needed the sleep.  

Farm Pickup 

Made Muffins (plain old vanilla blueberry white flour muffins)

Pasta Tuna Salad made for dinner

Cooked Swiss Chard

Leave for studio at 115 and teach until 8 pm        Stop at students home as her visiting cousin left book in waiting room for summer reading.  On way home, not an issue.  


Dragging again.  Heat doesn't help. 

Shipped 2 eBay orders.

Small BJs Wholesale Order

Pulled out spent squash plants.  Also harvested 2 tomatoes and 2 small yellow squash

Handled banking for DM 

Listed one item on ebay

Worked on Blog

Left for studio at 215    Students called out so left at 315 pm and Taught until 630 pm.  Also had a potential teacher visit and I observed him teaching 2 students.  

Pops has Covid.  Not based on testing as he refuses to test.  He was visiting Auntie the day she later was taken back to hospital and diagnosed with it.  Based on symptoms and timing.  He won't call doctor.  He yells at me when I mention it.  Fun times. 

Did talk with Auntie, reassured her I will get her bills paid (she is finally feeling well enough to panic) 

DH made dinner tonight.  BLT's .  What a double treat!

DD gave her notice at work today AND emailed her notice to vacate apartment end of August.  It's really happening!  Our girl is moving back to CT from CO. 

For the first time in a long time, I had to use my inhaler.  I have a parody of Sound of Silence that I sing when it starts.  Hello asthma my old friend.....I see you've come to me again........   funny but not funny. 


Sorted through next weeks farm share offerings

Made Chicken and Rice

Teach 230 - 630 pm

Auntie called late in the night, scared and confused.  I didn't sleep well for the rest of the night and kept checking phone and walking around house.  


Taught 8 am - 130 pm

Ordered take out lunch, DH picked up

Tested Pops.  It is definitely Covid.  

Finished all but Auntie's taxes, will call tax office to discuss late fee and how they want me to make the payment to avoid any more penalties. 

Nap at 4 pm. 

Pops doesn't want to talk to Uncle, so the Uncle calls me to discuss Pops health needs.  I don't have medical proxy (or what ever the correct word is) for any of the elders, which makes things a bit difficult.  If Pops doesn't want to call or see Doctor I cannot force him.  He doesn't have a fever, he has eaten several times and isn't sleeping any more than he usually does.  

Very grateful that DS did a lot of food Prep today.  


  1. You are one busy lady with elders, work, family, and food preps. Add heat to that. I can see why you need a nap.


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