Trying to do things I enjoy

 I shredded the last of our zucchini plants.  I froze 3 quarts

savory zucchini bread 

Melt 1/4 cup butter, 2 eggs, 3/4 cup sour cream, two generous handfuls of shredded zucchini,  1/2 cup scallions, 2 cups flour, 1.5 tspn baking powder, .5 tspn baking soda, .5 tspn salt.  1.5 cup shredded cheddar.  Baked at 350 F for 50-60 minutes.   Delicious. 

also  zucchini quiche with egg whites. Roasted a chicken.  Watered new plants.  Picked blackberries, herbs and tomatoes.  So many tomatoes. 

On Sunday, we went to the local produce market I always talk about, and picked up some ready made entrees for my newly widowed Aunt.  We visited with my Cousin who was here from SC, we haven't seen him in years.  I was given a large wooden snowman that my Uncle had made for Rae Rae.  He never got around to making me one, so they wanted me to have Rae Rae's.  Doubly sweet, he made it, it was my Grandmother's, and now it's mine. 

We then did Auction pickups, got DH 2 pairs of shoes and then relaxed at home.  I did some crafting. 

I have been prepping, cooking down and canning tomato sauce.  We also had some for dinner. 

On Monday I went for blood work, stopped at Pharmacy, was on the way to go to Hospital to visit Aunt, but got called and told she was having a procedure (again!) and to not go.  SMH
