Rest of the Month of August 2024

 My Uncle's graveside service was on Wednesday the 21st.  We also left for PA that day.  

My Aunt was back in ICU when we left.    Good news that as of today (August 30th) she is in rehab and I have ordered her clothing so she can start PT.  I'm praying that this is the beginning of her true recovery. 

2nd night in PA my cousin (who just lost her Father) texted to say her Mother had a stroke.  We left to come home the next morning.  Good news is that they caught it, found some other issues, and today (August 30th) she is able to come home.  

During all of this, my daughter was driving across country with her Uncle.  She and Kitty, are back in CT.

This handsome boy is huge, 19 lbs and LONG. 

  Definitely for at least 4 months, perhaps longer.  She is on leave from her work.  They wouldn't let her quit.  That's a good thing too.  She maintains her health insurance during this time.  Another plus. 

Now getting used to 5 adults in the house, a dog and a cat.  There is no more room at the Inn, and the turkeys are in the out building, so don't come here please.  LOL

Today I canned 4 more quarts of tomato sauce before leaving for hair appointment, then meeting with a soon to be wedded bride to plan how many runs of each song I need to do for her ceremony.  Then studio. 

Today will be a Good Day. 
