What I Got Done Last 3 Days Home

DH was home the day after we returned from Maine.  

We went together to pay taxes, fill gas tank, get farm share. 

Waited to hear about Auntie, who had another surgery today. 

He dozed while I prepped the veggies. 

I went through garden beds. 

I worked on Newsletter and Billing while he dozed

Went to visit a local Farmer who was my daughters math teacher years ago.       For $8.00 I purchased 3 Italian eggplant and 3 huge sunflowers. 

He went to a show with his friend JP, I continued to 'putter', putting things away, sorting through mail, this and that. 

Day 2

 I feel accomplished.  I love this feeling.

Up early and showered before Walmart Delivery Came

Free to me due to a gift card, I did give the girl $ for a tip when she arrived. 

Finished billing

3 quarts of pickles

1 quart of pickled red onions

Talked to Auntie, she is really still out of it, and asked me not to come to hospital today.  Hopefully she will be back in rehab on Saturday (they are only holding her bed for 4 Days) 

Did a load of laundry but used the dryer.  

Made eggplant pizza bake, diced up the three eggplants gotten yesterday, chopped some garlic from our garden, mixed with a jar of Priano Rosso Pesto that has been in the pantry and roasted til done.  Topped with 1/2 cup shredded mozz, and put back in the oven (shut off and using residual heat)

Chunked and roasted yellow squash with olive oil and Penzey Shallot and Pepper Blend. 

Roasted Potatoes (from garden and farm share) with Onions (from garden and farm share) and peppers (from greenhouse) and served with Italian sausage.  DH also wanted corn on the cob which I had shucked yesterday. 

Day 3

Laundry washed and hung out

Garden work

Basil Drying

Bread Making

Make some calls for DH

