This and That July 15-20


It's been a stressful week, regarding elders.  Aunt had spinal surgery July 1.  We haven't been able to see her.  She had another procedure done today (July 17) and yet another on the 24th is scheduled.  Her siblings are at odds regarding her care. (Pops and Uncle)  I feel stuck in the middle.  

Teaching this week has been a jumble.  Students vacations, last minute call outs and no shows.  

Been trying to stay on top of laundry, Cooking with what we have, Making Do or Do without. 

Instead of ordering more Penzey's Tuscan Italian Blend I made my own using their dehydrated garlic, my dried basil and oregano from last years garden, real salt and black pepper.  Smells like a winner.  

Wednesday picked up Farm share and took Pops with me to get out of the house.  He enjoyed the ride, recognizing places and talking about them.  People and where they used to live.  Tickled to meet an adult student of mine at the Farm.  Was amazed that an adult would take music lessons.  I've always told him, but to meet one in the wild was what got his attention.  I talked with the student later and she called her self Viola Big Foot.  LOL

Made potato salad with potatoes from the garden.  

Made Tuna Pasta Salad

Cabbage Pepper and Onions

Kale with Olive Oil and Garlic

Blue Berry Baked Oatmeal (oats, brown sugar, baking powder, egg whites, splash of half and half and blueberries from farm share. 

Thursday More Laundry.  DH requested to still use dryer for towels.  I hung some white delicates and also washed and hung a load of darks.  Studio 2-630

Friday packing, cleaning, Studio 2-7 

Saturday we should be leaving for Maine.  I think it's wrong to go with Aunt in hospital.  DH said we are close enough we can get home if needed.  Sister is here.  Uncle is hard to read.  
