Blueberries out the Ears! Created a blueberry muffin recipe

 Every year as part of my Farm Share I get a flat of Blueberries.  12 pints.  That's a lot of berries.  

So Far I have frozen 8 pints.   The rest I plan on using in baking and fresh eating.  

DH requested blueberry muffins.  I cannot post a picture of them, as they are already all gone (I made 6 extra large muffins this morning) 

I will tell you what I did, and the opinions of the household. 

.75 cup of AP Flour

.75 cup of Einkorn Flour

2 tspn Baking Powder

1/2 cup sugar

1 tspn salt

1/3 cup of butter melted

1 egg added to cooled butter

enough Half and Half to bring it up to a cup of liquid

cup of washed blueberries

A large amount of cinnamon

Spray or grease muffin pan(s) I used a 6 muffin oversized pan.  Divided amongst cups, and then sprinkled with finishing sugar.    Bake at 400 degrees F for 25 minutes or until a knife comes out clean. 

Cool 5 mins, turn out of pan and enjoy now or later. 

I thought they were great.  Pops thought they were great.  DH was put off by the color (Einkorn is yellowish, and I went a bit overboard with the cinnamon)  He also wasn't a fan of the finishing sugar.  What is wrong with that man?

I will make him plain blueberry muffins with all boring AP flour and no cinnamon or finishing sugar. 


  1. If I had that many blueberries, I would sit for a bit and eat to my heart's content, as they did come out my ears! They sound okay to me. I don't know the other flour. Man needs to enjoy them! You did good.


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