A Hundred Years to Celebrate

 My own Grandmother "Rae Rae" was just a few months shy of hitting 100 years old.  On her last night of life I sang Happy Birthday to her.   I knew she was holding on to try to hit that milestone. 

Yesterday, we celebrated DH's Auntie's hundred birthday.  Her children had the extended family to a country club for dinner.  What I really loved (besides seeing everyone) was that many of my husband's friends made a point of stopping in to wish her Happy Birthday.  He has a very tight circle of friends, I envy him for that.  

In my family, which is much smaller....all the elders live far away (except Pops aka Gpa P) yet ask us for help in many ways.  

In my DH's family, the belief is that no matter how old the elders get, they ask very little of their children...to be as independent as possible.  If they do need help, they all live within a few blocks of each other.  I tried to get the Uncle to purchase a house closer to us a few months ago, he doesn't want to. 

I digress........

We celebrated a lovely woman.  She is still very talkative, eats well and enjoyed the evening. She even had a frosty adult beverage!  My Sister in law made this lovely Strawberry Cake. 


  1. I loved this post. How nice to make it to 100 and be talkative and eat well. It sounds like she is doing much better than 'holding on.' Family dynamics are certainly different for all of us.


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