Hit the Ground Running and Haven't Stopped

 Sunday was recitals.  Totally exhausted.  Over Tired.  Thank goodness my old student D is now teaching on Saturdays with me and was able to help out.  His energy and enthusiasm was so refreshing to see.  Older D educator was also there, and did quite a bit of tuning and video taking. 

We got Pizza.  Since we are being more careful with what we are eating that Pizza lasted through Tuesday.   Did manage to get two sold items packaged up.  The below itinerary may seem funny to some, but for me, it's huge.  

Monday was still exhausted.  Also my first day back to being in the studio 6 days.  But I wasn't going to let that stop me.  

DH and I worked on recital photos/videos all morning. 

2 items shipped

I taught from 130-630

Did BJ's pickup on way home. 

Put everything away and made DH a nice chopped salad. 

Made his lunch.  

Bed by 10 pm

Tuesday a little more rested, but not 100%

Worked on 2024-2025 year calendar.   DONE

Updated Studio Policy    DONE

Listed 7 items on Etsy

Picked two bouquets of flowers. 

Two more items shipped out

Watered all potted plants and greenhouse

Got gas on way to studio

Taught 230-800

Made DH lunch

Bed before 10 pm

Wednesday 99% regular energy level 

Up at 6, did reading, started laundry, made egg white quiche with bits and pieces

One package shipped

Went to farm pickup, bank, Starbucks (well deserved coffee)

DS hang all laundry, I'm so appreciative. 

Prepped all produce from farm, made beanless chili (to get DH to eat it) cooked mushrooms serving both over leftover rice

Taught 130 - 7

Came home and paid taxes


Harvesting in Garden oh my, amazing what a week can do of not going in Garden much   Look at these photos!

Stop and Shop pickup 

Roasted chicken, prepped veggies, cooked Swiss chard, made energy bars and baked oatmeal

Taught 2-730


The excitement of waiting to find out what is in my new weekly farm share, and changes I can make if wanted.  

Taught 130-630


Taught 730am - 130pm


Pay some bills in person



Rest and Plan Week


  1. The flowers and vegetables are beautiful. You are quite busy. That looks like a killer schedule.


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