Continuing to try and keep costs down at home and in business

 I have always tried to save money, would only do full loads of dishwasher, washing machine.  Would hang all my dresses and DH's shirts to dry.  I had a small rack that I would hang other items outside.  I would use the dryer for bath towels and under things (plus his pants, as they are heavy duty and took forever to dry). 

I had been asking for a true clothesline outside for years.  There had been a dilapidated very old and rusty one here, that my DH had taken down when we purchased the house from Pops.    We have been here for 15 years, so I have been asking for a long time.  

Most wives would throw a fit, but I was so excited when I got a HUGE heavy duty Amish made 200 ft clothesline for Christmas.  Yes, for Christmas.  DH with a small amount of help from me finally got it put up in the yard.    One part is on the house and I can reach it from the back deck.  It goes across the entire yard to a tree trunk that was left on the edge of our property from the tornados.  

I also renegotiated our business wireless plan (5 lines) with ATT to save $75.00 a month.  So much better than going through the hassle to change providers.  

Then I contacted xfinity regarding our studio internet/landline fees.  I am limited to what is available to me for a business connection.  Last year when I reached out I was basically told that I was SH*$ out of luck.   This year, I dealt with a wonderful gentleman, who acknowledged how long I had been with them (since '07) and worked with me to get me a very generous reduction in my fees.  

On the antique/vintage business I have been using every thing we already have for packaging and shipping.  No branded packaging for me.  
