I Powered Through

 We just experienced a snow/ice event on Tuesday, (only about 3 inches of snow with 1/2 inch of ice) and on Wednesday morning we were woken up at 5 am by a loud crash that shook the house.   We both jumped out of bed, I checked on Pops, who was awake and had no idea what it was.  I then checked basement and garage, DH checked perimeter of property (mainly through windows in each room)   No idea what it was, we think it might have been a tree falling in the preserve behind our property.  If it was, it was a huge tree. 

No sirens, so no car crash closeby.  No power issues nearby, as we had power.  Very unsettling.  Needless to say, I never went back to sleep. 

Turkey I had taken out of deep freeze was not defrosted yet.  I almost caved to order sandwich items, or even leave cash for pizza.  To tired to do alot, and have a long lesson day today....would be so easy. But I didn't. 

I dug through the pantry, pulled out a jar of pumpkin sauce and a jar of vodka sauce.  A bag of made in Italy Penne.  I then dug through kitchen freezer, and pulled out bags of prepped onions, peppers and cabbage.  That's now cooking up on the stove top with a bit of olive oil.  

No spending.  


  1. The noise you heard may have been a natural phenomenon called a "frost quake" or a "cryoseism".

  2. Replies
    1. Probably will never know for sure, but I like sluggy's idea.


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