Goodbye 2023, How Did I do with my Goals for the Year?

My focus for 2023 is to do more things for me
My health, (physical, emotional, mental)
I started Entyvio, and will have my first Full dose in mid January.  Been having starter doses so far. 
I have been taking time to breathe, read my Devotions and reflect on how I can do better. 

craft, plan garden
find more passive income paths
Yes, Yes, and Yes. 

Spend no more than $200 for groceries (dairy and fresh produce) and eat down our freezer and pantry
FAIL in $ due to inflation, but still was frugal 

Allow $200 for stock up sales (Shoprite Can Can for example)

Hold Clear Out Sales in Both Ebay and Etsy shops
Tagsale too!

Create some 'junk drawer' lots to entice new shoppers FAIL

Work on crafts that make me happy at least 30 minutes a week

List minimum 5 items a day

Purge a minimum of 1 item per day from house

Bake Bread once a week

Start a written journal  FAIL

List weekly meal plans FAIL

All in all, I am happy with how my goal meeting for 2023
