Finding Happiness in Checking Things off the List

 Silly little things I have done lately that bring me joy

Cleaned the windows inside my vehicle.  DH did clean them a few weeks ago, with his 'magic' glass cleaner.  Looked great in daylight, horrible at night.  So I cleaned all again with windex, then a follow up with vinegar and newspaper.  Much better. 

Slowly cleaning up the raised beds.  Goal is to get the garlic in this weekend.  Looks like Sunday or even Monday will be the day, as Saturday looks rainy.  

Cleaned Gpa P's shower floor.  It needed some heavy attention.  Still not perfect, but does look better.  Will continue to chip away at it. 

Hung some reproduction vintage Halloween cards on mantle.  They make me smile.  

I am now hanging bouquets of herbs throughout the house.  You might be able to see some lemon balm to the right of the above card.  I have lots of that around the house, thyme hanging from shelves, oregano and sage on the side of the mantle.  I love how they look, even have some on the ends of the curtain rods in kitchen and dining room.  Chinese Lanterns (ground cherries) as decorations in a vase from a flower bed. 
