Best Kitchen Towels I have ever used

 I do have a few vintage Startex terry towels, which are great, but older, and I wanted a newer choice.  Kitchen towels can be found in so many places, but not all are the same quality. 

In my auction finds for our vintage business I won a lot of vintage linens.  There was a pile of flour sack towels that had embroidery on them (Monday, Tuesday, etc) that I loved, so I washed them and put them in my kitchen rotation.  

Wow, was I sold on flour sack after trying them. 

I decided I wanted to work on my own embroidery project, so hunted for some new flour sacks to purchase. 

I have been very pleased with these.*   I use them not only for embroidery, but covering bread after it's cooled, cleaning, hand drying.  They wash up well, and remain soft and lint free.  

I guess Grandma did know best!

*as an Amazon Associate I do receive a few cents if you purchase an item through my links. 


  1. When I was a child, we had no choice but to use flour sacks. I always like them. I have some new flour sacks that I love, too. I might switch back to flour sacks.


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