Food Prep this week and yesterday's harvest


I cut down this oregano before it flowered.  I even found 3 spears of asparagus (and I ate them while working in the garden)    4 more zucchini. 

So far this morning (and I am not teaching today or tomorrow as I am playing at a wedding, and having to go to the rehearsal, get hair done, rehearse, and rest as I want to do my best) I have been able to get some prep and cooking. 

3/4 of the garlic scapes (from my own harvest and from the share) were processed with olive oil and frozen in cups.  Will be popped out and put in a ziplock once frozen. 

Rest of chopped scapes roasted with yellow and green zucchini

Half of swiss chard is steaming with the dregs of the processed garlic scapes washed out of the container into the pot. 

Now to tackle the actual garlic.  I'm still drying it, but wanted to clean the bulbs up a bit.  I cut the roots and stems off.  They are sitting on a wire rack on my dining room table under the ceiling fan.  

How have you been handling summer produce?
