Meals Sunday June 11th through Saturday 17th


Breakfasts for week were bagels, eggs, bacon, grits, oatmeal, fruit

Sunday was Breakfast sandwiches, sandwiches or swiss chard/mushrooms/rice for lunch, shrimp cocktail and/or vegetable nachos for dinner.  Very eclectic I know. 

Monday dinner is Dinosaur Kale chopped and steamed, drained and added to huge amount of basil, mixed with 32 oz ricotta and italian spices with 2 eggs.  Baked.  Can be eaten as is, with bread on side or over pasta as preferred. 

Tuesday shredded pork green verde enchiladas with rice. 

Wednesday leftovers

Thursday was clean out the fridge lasagna.  I will post a separate review on the gluten free lasagna noodles I used. 

Friday Tuna Pasta Salad or Lasagna

Saturday Leftovers
