Struggling to Rest and Relax

Looking at my Great Grandparent's lamp helps me stay happy and at Peace. 

Am I the only one who struggles with actually relaxing?   I find I always need to be doing something, or multi tasking (I can read this magazine if I have laundry going, dishwasher going and something in the oven or instantpot)

I have guilt when I just sit down with a book and a cup of coffee.      As I get older, I'm trying to make more time for me.  And I'm having a hard time doing it. 

Though I love being in my garden, it drains me physically.  If I were to be out there as much as I like, I'm useless for at least a full day afterwards, if not more.  

Sitting outside and listening to the birds is restful to me.  I enjoy creating crafts, sewing, etc.....but I find my thoughts always go to things that need to be done. 

Do you have this problem too?
