Happy Mother's Day


I'm so grateful today was a comfortable, I got to do what ever I wanted day.  Especially since I got hit with food poisoning on Friday night, so bad that I had to take Saturday teaching off (true cancel, no way to get a sub at 1 am)  We figured out what I ate that made me so sick, and threw the rest out. 

I did feel better at wake up today.  DH made me breakfast, My darling daughter sent me a gift certificate to Cranial Mantra. I love the Euphoric and Deep Tissue Scalp/Neck/Shoulder massage. I already booked a session.  I haven't gone at all this year, really only go once or twice a year.  It's such a treat.

I did baking, and produce prepping and cooking.  

I worked in the garden, was able to build a new raised bed. 

I played Cookie Crush. 

I cuddled with my sister's dog. 

We watched "I Remember Mama" one of my favorite films. 

We watched "Mildred Pierce" another favorite.   While watching the movies I chopped celery, onions, zucchini, cukes, carrots. 

I made egg white zucchini quiche in a pie pan as well as 6 oversized muffin tin mini quiches. 

I made buttermilk bread

I made chunky potato soup with milk, potato, celery, onion, butter, bacon, cheese. 

I know most might think this is not a great Mother's day.  But for me, it was the best day.  I love being home, and taking care of my family.  Being able to putter around the garden too, made things so wonderful for me. 

How was your Mother's Day?
