Garden Growing in Early May

 This week I took all the greenhouse seedlings of swiss chard and surprise turnips and put them in the raised beds.  

I also put in seed potatoes in large pots, as well as more onions. 

Strawberries are doing well.  Sunflowers are growing out of their cages, I will need to put cups around their stems to keep them safe from the chipmunks.  

Malabar spinach seeds were planted in a trough and in a pot (after soaking seeds) inside the greenhouse

I moved the tomato and pepper seedlings (a bonus plant) into the greenhouse. 

Still harvesting asparagus!

Cut off the flower stalks on the rhubarb, and harvested some too. 

Went to a local nursery with DS and DM while DH was working with an almost off to college student clearing brush and toting large limbs and logs into the woods.  

9 Strawberry plants put into a tower. 

Eggplant seedlings and more pepper added to the greenhouse. 

I always try 'an exotic' plant, last year was patchouli.  This year it's Eucalyptus. 

Rosemary, Large Leaf Basil, Hot and Spicy Oregano, Oregano, Thyme, Tarragon

Cucumbers and Squash will be next!
