Planning the Garden

The name of my Garden

Sunflowers, caged to protect them from critters

This year I plan on doing items that I know aren't usual in my farm share or items that we use and enjoy a lot of.  I plan on doing more canning this year.  

Vegetables we wish were more plentiful


Beans both Fresh and Dry

Swiss Chard



Tomatos, but my starts aren't starting, so I will probably buy from local organic farm where I have my chicken share. 


I also enjoy seeing, smelling and bringing into the house many flowers.  

All seeds were purchased during sales last year.  All are heirloom, organic seeds. I did place one small order last month with Rohrer Seeds.   They are in Lancaster County PA, and have many locally harvested seeds. 

I also like Botanical Interests, Stark Bros for our fruit bushes/trees and ornamentals, 


horseradish and rhubarb


  1. What is rabe bekiw? What critters would eat the sunflowers? I know birds and squirrels might like the sunflower seeds.

    1. i have know idea where bekiw came from, lol. Chipmunks will munch down my sunflowers until their stalks are full width.


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