A Typical Friday in my World, isn't so typical.

 I can't say that I have set errands/chores each day of the week.  I see what needs to be done and I do it.  Or at least have a plan when I wake up. 

Up at 630.  Prepared dinner Pork Loin, Asparagus and Rice.  Yes, it's odd to have dinner made at breakfast time, but we have such varying schedules in our house it's just best for our household.  

8 am out to get coffee (my one guilty pleasure) and then to pick up a soil order.  

Laundry is when I have full loads AND when I can hang out.  Only things I want to put in the dryer are towels and underthings/socks.   So, today I ended up doing two loads of dark, running underthings in dryer and hung clothes all throughout the house.  

I do try to get out into the Garden every day.  Today was weeding and seeding.  As long as the rain holds out.   In weeding the Blackberry bush and cutting it back, I was pleasantly surprised to see a blueberry bush, that I had thought had died.   So I happily fertilized and mulched.  

Trying very hard to get rid of all the catmint that seems to have appeared in my garden area.  I never planted it to my knowledge, but it is definitely invading. 

Bread baking

Bed making

Off to studio at 2 pm to teach until 8

Home to bed.   


  1. I enjoy finding plants thriving that I thought had died. I love those beds. Underthings and socks are things I never put in the dryer since I don't want to damage the elastic with heat. And, I hang out towels.


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