Meals January 14 - 21 2023


Saturday I made chicken stew with the bones from a chicken I had cooked last week (or was it the week before?)  The bones were pulled from the freezer.  I created the stock, added a 28 ounce can of canned chicken and rehydrated veggies.  Used cornstarch to thicken it up.

Sunday I made Pork Chili

Monday was chicken sausage with broccoli

Tuesday Spaghetti with Rao's Sauce

Wednesday a pound of cod with leftover rabe from the freezer

Thursday leftovers

Friday Turkey Meat Loaf.  Broccoli, Roasted Butternut Squash and Potatoes

Breakfasts for the week are egg white cups (shredded potato crust with egg whites and sprinkle of shredded cheese and onion.  Zucchini quiche with eggwhites, shredded cheese, zucchini and onion.  Blueberry baked oatmeal. 

Lunches were leftovers all week.  If not wanted there is lots of fruit and cheese.  I personally have my big meals morning and lunch, dinner is a stick of string cheese, apple and tablespoon of peanut butter.  

I did get takeout 3 times the week of the domino's falling.  Totally messed with my plan of low spend January.  I also made a healthy plan routine for the entire family (with some grumbling) and made some additions to my shopping list to try some new recipes.  All recipes I made were for no more than 6 - 8 servings.  I also doled out servings.  Seems to be working out well. 


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