Loving the Reset

 The holiday's are great, I love the decorations, lights, special foods, special people.  I can honestly say that the reset, the aftermath is just as nice. 

Today I finished putting the ornaments away.  DH removed the lights and dragged the tree into the woods.  I washed the tree stand and put it away.  Changed the bed comforter, freshly laundered before the holidays and packed away for the reset. 

I took down the shower curtain and liner and changed them out.  Changing the theme in the bathroom to be more soothing.  Greenery and Eucalyptus.  Sage green shower curtain and matching window curtains (had for several years)

Changed the dining room runner.  Very simple braided piece.  Simple floral arrangement. 

Next on my to do list is to switch out the throw pillows in the living room to cream basket weave knit pillows and a matching comforter.  Trying to go with more soothing to the eye decor.  More naturals, straw, greenery and nuetral colors. 

I also did my first new year project, felting a minature Shiba Inu dog for my sister.  It's not perfect, nothing is, but I am happy with the result.  I went non-stop around roasting a turkey.  Took 5 hours.  I'm sure future pieces won't take so long.  Here it is. 

The bedroom we are changing up too, with the addition of my Great Great Grandmother's Antique lamp.  It was in Rae-Rae's house (my Grandmother) and was waiting for me to set up.  The coloring in it matches her Nippon Powder Puff Vessel.  It makes me so happy to see it every time I walk into our room. 

An ever changing space. 
