September Goals, How Did I Do?

 Goals are:

Help my sister deal with something.  She will be staying with us for at least a month.   She is with us for the long term at this point in time. We are all helping her.  My DH is a saint, he flew out of state to get her, and has been a huge support for both myself and my sister.  

Work on becoming more organized, such as with meal prep, keeping up on cleaning.  Total fail on my end.  My sister does like to vacuum, and she does other things to help.  We are helping each other in many ways.  I am grateful that I can spend so much time with her. 

Keep food costs down, while trying to refill freezers.   A continuous work in progress

Continue to purge unused items.  Took 5 bags to goodwill

Continue to find good items for our online stores.  We have participated in several auctions and have been actively listing. 

Work on my teaching skills.  Make more connections with my students.  I know I am good at what I do, however September always feels like a new beginning to me.   Very pleased with how things are going.  


  1. Remind me why your sister needs help, please. I am glad you can help her.

    1. Medical care, she could not get appointments she needed where she lives.


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