Dehydrating in Humidity isn't working


Been trying to dehydrate basil these last two weeks.  Never before have I had an issue with this, but this time....

I check to make sure a leaf within reach is brittle.  Good to go.  Once the trays are cool enough for me to touch they are soft again.  Not completely, but I don't feel it's safe to jar them up.  

I've been thinking i should process the leaves with olive oil and freeze them in ice cube trays instead. 

What would you do?  Really would like your input. 


  1. I tried everything. I really don't like dehydrated basil. And, messing with olive oil is not good for me. However, I pick the basil early, rinse a bit and pat dry as I look for eggs and bugs. Then, I stuff it into a quart or pint freezer bag and mash out the air. I can add basil as I harvest it. I tried it and it tastes like fresh basil for meals in the winter. Once the basil is frozen, just mashing the bag will crush it for use. I store it on the door of the freezer so it won't get buried.

  2. My daughter was complaining she couldn't get all her basil to dehydrate also today. No problem with her parsley though. She just jars what was dry and was going to hang some in her basement because she has a dehumidifier.


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