August Goals, How did I do?

Studio is status quo.  Happy with teaching only 5 days a week.  Realize I can't keep that going for the fall.  I am going to set tight boundaries for my own teaching schedule, and not budge.  I've been teaching for 34 years.  I think I've earned the right to set more personal priorities.   Total Fail.  Though Tuesdays are only 2 hours, I am back to teaching 6 days a week, some days 9 hours.  Co-teacher took a public school classroom, can't say as I blame her. 

Finalize the studio schedule for myself and 3 other educators.  Plan ensemble music. 

General housekeeping has been getting a lick and a promise.  Laundry is kept up with, dishes, a once a week vacuum and I sweep when I see a mess.  Other than that, I am dealing mainly with trying to do research and listing, continue to keep up with the garden, harvest and preserve.   I am also continuing to 'stock the larder' as we never know what tomorrow may bring. 

Continue to build shelving in basement and storage area

Purge closets.  We have way too many clothes  FAIL

Continue to purchase purposefully

Clean out garden storage areas. 

Post 20 items to Ebay and Etsy stores
a much more realistic goal    Exceeded

Continue to find items to donate, recycle or give away

Actually pleased with how the month went. 
