Week 2 Farm Share Farmer Joe's (with an offer from the farm)

 I am so excited about the variety I am getting so early in the season.  I also like that I can swap things out, and add more things to my order. 

I swapped out Spinach for Local Honey.   

 I received a bunch of Swiss Chard (over a lbs worth!) and Kale (going to make kale chips)

Freshly Ground Flour one pound, what a treat to try freshly ground flour.  I will be baking with it this weekend. 

Local Maple Syrup

Our Bi-weekly dairy order.   Chocolate Milk (treat for the men) Lemon Yogurt (for me)   These come from Hasting Farms in Suffield CT

Only out of my bonus shares was another loaf of this sourdough bread.  I won't do it every week, but I wanted to see if I could duplicate the ratio.  Very sour and chewy.  I really like it.  Wave Hill Breads is out of Norwalk and has a working relationship with Farmer Joe in their farmstand and in their market shares.  

My weekly newsletter from the farm had a Give $20 Get $20 offer.  If you were to sign up through this link for a share we each get $20.   All of their share members were given this offer.  Here is also a video that the farmer did this week to share with us via email. 
