Cereal Comparison Cheerios vs Toasted Oats

 Pops aka Gpa P loves Cheerios.  With milk or without.  His go-to midday snack.  Breakfast and even sometimes dinner.  Cheerios as well as other cereals have climbed in price.  

20 ounce box can be anywhere from $4.99 to $6.99 depending on what store you are in or ordering from which breaks down to  .25 - .35 an ounce.  

I have had him taste test Millville (Aldi) brand and he wasn't happy.  Currently on instacart a 12 ounce box is $1.29 (.11 an ounce. ) 

While at the bulk stores in Pennsylvania, I found a 35 ounce bag of Hospitality Toasted Oats for $5.29 (.16 an ounce).  He loves them.  Not only do they taste like the name brand, he says they stay crispy in the milk.  Make sure you get them for me every trip. 

He is already halfway through the bag.  Since we don't plan on going down again until August I started hunting.  Found it at allbulkfoods.com  Four 35 ounce bags for $27.68 which breaks down to .20 an ounce.  So, if I don't find any deals for Cheerios, I at least have a way to order it in a pinch.  Definitely will stock up next trip. 


  1. I will have to search for this as Cheerios are Tommy's favorite cereal. Even bogo they are expensive. I will have to compare bogo to your suggestion.


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