March Goals

Wash the curtains in all rooms

Search for new curtains for our bedroom, still room darkening but a lighter color 
(current is a dark maroon)  This isn't a major deal if I don't change them.  I will just wash and reuse these. 

Continue to start seeds.

Start cleaning out raised beds as the weather will allow. 

Direct Sow Peas and Lettuces

Celebrate a BIG birthday for DH.  I'm going to make it a month long frugal celebration. 

My sister is coming for a quick visit!   Have not seen her since November 2019.  

Work harder to get my steps in.  

Try to keep Grocery Purchases to $250 (raised original goal due to price increases)

Try to do at least 1 seafood meal a week and beans added to a dish twice a week. 

Do you have any goals for the month of March?



  1. Sowing seeds, planting bulbs, getting dried beans into jars for storage, getting cans of food on shelves since I have bought and not put away, work on cleaning out storage unit as I can. There is more, but the list is now too


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