How my Garden is coming along (affiliate links)

 I have been busy walking the beds, clearing some out, assessing work that needs to be done and the best part...........PLANTING!

Rhubarb showing it's bright red petticoats 

Bulbs peeking out too

I transplanted a dozen broccoli rabe plants into the cold frame.

I planted radishes three different kinds*

Kaleidoscope Blend

Peas in my new trellis planter*

This trellis planter was actually one of a two pack.  Great quality, they came with wheels which we didn't put on at first, but then decided to so that we could move it to other areas of the yard or back patio if we choose to.  I had received some Amazon Gift Cards from students at holiday time which helped defray the cost.  

The peas are from Rohrer Seeds in PA

Have you been working in the garden?

 *As an Amazon Affiliate I will earn a small percentage when you make a qualifying purchase through my Amazon links.
