The Seed Starting has Begun!

My Dining Room Table this Morning

I washed and disinfected all my starter trays.  I'm doing it a bit differently this year.   I decided to work in stages, instead of all at once.  I have jiffy pellets in net bags.  Soak them in hot water and they open up to become a cylinder.  I put these in the starter trays.  This first batch is Roma Tomatoes (24 total) I always do more than I plan on planting, to account for duds and sharing. 

Once these become sprouts with 2 true leaves I will then take those net bags and put them into bigger peat pots with more soil. These will go into another pan under the grow lights.  Then I will reuse the trays with more bags.  I have other trays too, but want to see how this is going to work.  

I also started some new mint in this soaker jar.  The actual seeds are in seed starting soil that is in a metal woven basket with a canvas tape going down into the jar which is filled with water.  I did get the first batch of mint, but it wasn't getting enough sun, then I burned it with miracle grow.  What was I thinking.  So trying again.  


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