Keeping Busy, A Tuesday in the Life

Can you see the ONE tiny sprout along the edge?

Daily Chores such as make bed, clean counters and stovetop.

Bi Daily Chores put in a load of laundry.  Depending on load type, it will get hung up in the basement or put into the dryer. 

Have something to eat, and then First (of 2 or 3) cup of coffee. 

Get shipments out on the porch for pickup. 

Today will be a seed starter day, doing Broccoli, Rabe, Cabbage and More tomatoes.  Also starting some lettuce  basil in a large pot. 

Work on Ledger entries for both businesses. 

Teach from home virtually today.  First hour starts at 10:30 am. 

Transfer/Hang Laundry.  As I type I'm currently on load 3.  

Work on Etsy and Ebay

Based on how much chicken pot pie is left, we will have that again for dinner or I will make Loaded Baked Potato Soup fortified with Cauliflower.  Bake a Loaf of Bread. 

Start teaching again at 330 pm until 630 pm.  All virtual (either facetime, zoom, skype or facebook messenger)

Bring Up Laundry. 

What's a typical Tuesday like for you?



  1. There is no typical Tuesday for me. My days all depend on whether I slept the night before and how much sleep I managed to get. From the looks of the place, it appears I do nothing. I do try to keep clutter at bay, at least what I accumulated in the last 24 hours. Tommy washes the clothes since I cannot get to washer and dryer in the utility room in the carport because there is a steep part of the driveway I can barely traverse, especially carrying laundry. I cook whatever and Tommy washes pots, pans, and the sink. He has to help with loading and unloading the dishwasher since I must hold onto the counter in order to be able to bend down holding anything. The other day, I tried to clean his coffee stains from the carpet! Most days are not scheduled unless we need to go to the doctor or pick up a prescription.

    1. In the past I did things as I saw them just like you are doing. Now with my hand in so many pots I find I need to schedule something for myself to get things done. I tried writing them in a book, but find making myself accountable to you and other readers I'm keeping on task.


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