Keeping Busy, A Thursday in the Life


I tend to sleep a bit later on Thursdays.  Meds, water, something to eat.  First Coffee.  Today is another long day. 

Two items sold in the night, so I got those packed up and ready for the USPS.  (I do pickup service, which is free and so convenient)

Finish bookkeeping not completed earlier in the week.  DONE

Do some shopping orders.  BJ's Wholesale Flat Rate Shipping for Pantry Items.  Shoprite for Loss Leaders and TP and Paper Towels.  Had those delivered and thrilled I got everything.  I will count these towards March as I've already frozen the proteins. 

Throw in another load of laundry.  Fold and put away load from yesterday.    Not today


Dinner should be leftovers for the men.  Well, the soup I made yesterday, though tasty was thick as thieves.  That's with 2 cartons of stock.  So, to make it more palatable to the men (I liked it) I made beef stew with onions carrots and meat.  I'm suggesting they put it over the loaded potato soup. 

Made drop protein sugar cookies.   They are ok.  Not too sweet.  Pops aka Gpa P gave them a thumbs up. 

Check on seeds, hopefully will see some sprouts soon.  Not yet, other than that lone mint sprout.  I did plant more mint today.  

Hang/Dryer Laundry.    NOPE

Shower, Dress, Leave for Studio by 215. 

Private Lessons until 830 pm. 

Think we will have a snowday tomorrow?  Hope so.  I need it, LOL.  How was your Thursday?
