HSA Woes

 DH and I have a high deductible insurance plan (we have 3 options at his employer, we have always gone with the lowest cost plan and maxed out our HSA)

I have Crohn's, an auto immune disease.  I also have asthma.  I was able to get most of my needed appointments done the end of 2021 so we had already met with our deductible.   DH and I always get our physicals which are 100% covered.  

With my having the virus in January (tests and virtual visit 100% covered) I had to add a new medication to my arsenal.  $247.00.  I went to use our HSA card and it was denied (expires 12/23) I shrugged it off as I wasn't feeling so hot, paid with a CC and meant to mention it to DH and forgot. 

End of January my Crohn's daily medication was due for refill.  $787.60.  (Yes, that's the generic) This is also a 3 month supply.  This time I mentioned to DH about the earlier problem with the HSA card.  I also remembered I had tried to stock up on covered items end of December and the card was also denied then. 

He tried the card on his computer.  Same thing.  I told him I will pay for my now due for refill meds with a CC as I did before and will request a reimbursement from HSA to our checking account.  Logged in, couldn't request a transaction.  What is going on?

Now I'm panicking.  We actually are halfway to our 5000 deductible already.  Between my meds, DH's cardiologist and further tests already done.  We have the money to cover these expenses yet I can't access it?

Call number on back of card.  Can't get a human as it's after hours (though we are supposed to have 24 hour customer service) with a recording saying a website overhaul, accounts locked, cards deactivated, new cards being sent out.  What??  We got no notification of this. 

I start calling in the morning, twice I was able to get a human being but they can't hear me?  Saying hello, hello is anyone there?  I text DH who calls me and says he went to HR and they know nothing about any of this.  Was our Optum account hacked?  Was their entire website hacked?  Imagine the things going through our heads. 

Third time was the charm.  I got a woman (though I suspect it may have been a robot as her answers were to automatic) Claimed we were notified.  Gives me a date.  All emails that were sent to my husbands work email are also in the online account.  No message for that date.  I get another date.  No message on that date.  I do a search of what she said the subject line was.  No email.  Can she please forward the email.  She does.  I thank her for her time, and call DH. 

We never received this email.  Other's who have HSA accounts at his place of work never got the email and hadn't tried to use their card in a few months.  HR wasn't aware of this.  

Supposedly we are getting a new card by February 11th.  I will keep you posted.  
