Saturday's are hard. Mentally and Physically. Lots of special needs students plus a few typical. Lots of different issues. I have to be ready to change direction both literally and figuratively. I'm up at 5:45 am and out the door before 7. Each student has their own challenges and successes. We have had a lot of excitement planning recital pieces. I finished teaching at 1 pm. Though I find the day exhausting, I am most fulfilled by working with these musicians.
Then I download recital music to pdf and sent to parents. I created a practice routine chart for another student who needs the structure of a planned schedule for making music at home.
Then to Big Y to get some loss leaders. I was impressed that every register was open PLUS 10 self service registers. People seemed happy and smiling. I haven't been in a store much, and this was the first Saturday. It wasn't bad at all.
Home by 3. Put things away, talked with DH and we had some lunch....really linner.
Then I sleep. Between 1 and 2 hours. After that, talk to DD, and relax. Saturday evening snack is something like veggies and dip, chips and salsa or peanut butter and crackers. Now it's the weekend.
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