Once my plants are established well I don't weed as frequently. This morning I did weed as I was watering.
Every year I do some experiment plantings. This year I put eggplants in large self watering pots. Definitely a win.
I did a bed of peppers. I have never done peppers, as I haven't had any friends or neighbors have good luck with them. But I thought let's give it a go. I have one tiny pepper on one of my 4 plants.
Tomatoes are starting to go crazy. Basil is huge. Have picked lots and it just keeps bouncing back.
I have depleted the lettuce almost. It was a heat tolerant mix. I cooked some turnip greens and swiss chard over the weekend. Yum Yum.
How is your garden
Since last year something ate all but two grape tomatoes and two tiny squash, I am not planting. But, yours looks great.