Getting Ready for Gardening

Gardening this year is even more important than previous years.  Providing food for three households while working with reduced budget means that something I always did for pleasure is now a necessity.

Here is my basement grow light setup.   I have lots of tomatoes (cherry, beefsteak and paste) as well as eggplant, corn, squash, watermelon and cucumbers started.

Mushrooms are now ready to eat

Cold Frame Has radish seedlings ready to thin 

Lettuce on the right of the radishes

Lots of Rhubarb!

Some tulip whimsy

Sage and Oregano

More oregano

Broccoli Rabe

Another view

Beets to be thinned


  1. Flowers are food for the soul. Wish I had a grow light. However, all my things are outside since danger of frost is past.

  2. It all looks great. I wish I had grow light.


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