Starting a new business from a side hustle


I'm sure you have all had many changes and challenges this historical year of 2020.  I know that we have.  Pandemic, losing friends and loved ones, shortages.  Come on, toilet paper is a do or die necessity especially for one with Crohn's disease.  I'm still shopping for an elder relative who doesn't believe I go to five stores to get his wants (and it's hit or miss even at the end of 2020) He hasn't left his house since March. 

All of these changes have been very sad.  I tried to not let it get to me, but I will admit some days were hard. 

Having to readjust a business that has flourished for almost 30 years.  Having to readjust finances and spending.  Having to readjust my thinking and way of teaching.  I was always an outside of the box teacher, but Man o Man have teachers been thrown a few crates. 

I started a side hustle to make a bit of extra money.  Selling things we already had.  We are a collecting family as you all know.  We prefer items of quality, and have found them at amazing prices.  

Then I started doing local auctions.  I created an etsy and ebay store.  Then purchased a thermal printer.   Then started picking up out of state auction wins.  Some of those wins were winner's for this new venture. 

Earlier in the year DH invested in a Glowforge.  Like a Cricut on steroids.  We have been using it to make things for our own use, for the studio, home, friends.  But we received an order.  Perhaps we will start this as a third business.  Who knows!  Here are the items from the order.  These were not our idea, so please forgive the fulgarity. 

I haven't worked so much since I was starting the music studio 27 years ago.  It has been a lot of work.  But again, I'm a lemonade gal.  My house is mess.  But we are making ends meet.  All we can hope for in these times.  Here are some 'neat' photos of our home. 


  1. I have never heard of Glowforge. The items look amazing. What a beautiful product. Good luck with the new business.


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