Pops Update and City Seed Edgewood Park Farmers Market 9/8/19

No pics this week, sorry.    It's been a very unsettled week, ending on Friday with Pops being stung by a bee and collapsing within 2 minutes.  Never being allergic before it seems he is now.  Big thank you to 911 operators, Ambulance and Fire Department and all Medical personal at YNHH York St and St. Raphaels (yes, he ended up being in both this weekend) Though transported to York St., hours later was again transported via ambulance to be admitted to St. Raphaels.

He has recovered, and is now back home.  Yes, he now has epi-pens and we are all versed in using them.     He has follow ups with PCP and with his Cardiologist (as we are still waiting to have more tests so that they can decide how to address his new blockages)

So, on to the market.

DH attended with us, as I was concerned about driving and being so sleep deprived.  He purchased two Tomato Foccaccia's from SONO Bakery for $15.00

Spent $6 on 5 lbs of beautiful honeycrisp apples.

Spent $3.65 on almost 4 pounds of yellow squash.

From my share I got 1/2 pint of Mexican sour gherkins, a large bag of spring mix, pint of tomatoes, pound of purple carrots, pound of fairy tale eggplant.

How was your weekend?
