Meals the last two weeks

Ham with veggies and mashed potatoes

Ham and Beans

Ham and eggs

Lots of ham diced up and frozen in portions for recipes in the future

Pea soup made with the bone!

Ham and Broccoli Quiche

Frozen turkey breast was prepared with green beans (canned) mashed potatoes

Stock was made with the bones

Turkey sandwiches with cranberry sauce

Turkey and vegetable soup

Beef stew, maybe enough for 2 days
Why do I say this you wonder?

I roasted an 8.53 lb Chicken yesterday.  This is what it looked like after Gpa P ate

All the dark meat, part of the wings, part of one breast.  With a can of cranberry sauce.  No rice, no broccoli.  He said there was no room in his dish.  I had hoped to get a few days off of it like we were able to do with the ham and turkey.  I will stretch it, but wow.  I wish I had his metabolism. 

I did get a serving for myself of breast meat.  DH was just annoyed.  I think he had a salami sandwich. 
 I will salvage the rest for Italian Chicken soup. 

I also baked brownies on Sunday and Pumpkin Bread on Wednesday. 

Please note, I share the Gpa P food consumption for giggles.  I am happy I can afford to feed him.  It makes me sad that I feel sometimes he doesn't think anyone else in the house might want a large or second portion.  I just tell myself it is helping me budget wisely and to keep DH and mine weight in check.
