Farmers Market 9/17/17

I will miss the market once it shuts down for the winter. 
Loaf of beautiful pumpernickel, sorry didn't get to it before Uncle and Gpa P found it for a full sized picture   $4.75
Celery, part of market share

More tomatoes from my share.  My organic farmer Rachel from Four Root Farm got a kick out of the Gpa ate all the tomatoes story.

Spring mix, beautiful peppers and okra.  Market share.

Dozen ears of corn $6.00

Swiss Chard market share

$3 Curry Squash


  1. I've never seen Curry squash before. What are you going to do with it?

    1. I was going to bake it but maybe Carol has some other ideas

  2. Looks great! Japanese Red Kuri is our favorite Winter squash.

    1. Any suggestions on how to prepare this?

    2. I just cut it in half, cut just a sliver of a horizontal cut on the skin side to make a flat spot so that it sits flat in the pan. Season with salt/pepper and I add some butter, brown sugar, a bit of nutmeg, some cinnamon. Yummy stuff! Leftovers are treated like pumpkin puree: in waffles/pancakes/muffins/cookies

  3. Here's a good recipe, too:


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