Am I staying on household purchases budget this month?

As a refresher, I set a goal for January 2015 of only spending $150 on perishables and $200 on Non-perishables.  Perishables was dairy/fruits/veggies/seafood/GREAT deals.  Non-perishables would include cleaning products/canned goods/paper goods. I set these limits based on full freezers and the Shop Rite Can-Can sale.

As of January 22 my figures are:

Perishable funds left $66.61 and Non Perishable funds left $103.82

Yesterday I spent $7.32 at the produce market on salad ingredients lettuce/pepper/tomato/2 cucumber/package of mushrooms.

At Shoprite I spent $10.93 after coupons on 4 bottles of All Detergent and 4 boxes of Scotties facial tissue.  I also received back a $5.00 on next shopping trip due to the pre-sale price of the All!  Nice triple play!  If I include this kickback into my All purchase that means I paid .44 per bottle.  Not my favorite brand, but cheap is cheap!

The balance of my shoprite purchases were all perishables.  Dairy, Juice, another Cooks Shank Ham for just .99 a pound (limit 1) and fruit.  Total spent 39.39.

I was also gifted a dozen farm eggs from a student.  I plan on tasting one of these eggs this weekend!

Funds left to spend until February 1st:

Perishables $19.90 and Non-Perishables $92.89

So, the question for you is, do I spend it all just to spend it, or do I put it in the savings account?  I admit, I am getting (or already am) addicted to the deal finding and putting money away.


  1. I think I'd roll over any leftover food budget $ into next month, just in case you find more great deals and need that little extra. Just keep rolling leftover $ into the following month.
    Once the "extra" builds up to a certain level you choose then send it to savings or put extra on your mortgage payment, etc.

    I don't care what brand it is, .44¢ for a jug of laundry detergent is awesome! lol


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