Garden 2014

Please enjoy these photos of my plantings.
The greens and herbs beds.

Apparantly I have a neighbor now, and he enjoyed my entire parsley planting.  

Foreground is lettuces and beans, background is swiss chard, wallawalla onions and more green beans as well as oregano.

Peas, dill, sage, basil, cilantro, fennel, rosemary.  Herbs are used daily. 

Mushrooms were sauted today.  Enough for two small dishes (Gpa P and I enjoyed them right from the pan)

My pop up over the strawberry bed.  I have had a bumper crop this year (with more still coming)  I took this off on Sunday early to harvest, brought the berries in and got reprimanded by a chipmunk who was annoyed I came back so quickly.  He ran back under the house.  I made sure to share any not people worthy ones with him. 

Front flower beds.

Rose at the studio.  Lots or roses and more fennel at the studio. 
