Easter Dinner lasts 5 days!

I hope everyone had a pleasant holiday. DH wanted prime rib and I always want fish. With Gpa P and the Uncle here for Easter dinner we spent $78.30 on a rib-eye roast,  a cake and 3 pounds of Chefs cut Cod. 

I had the last four extra large baking potatoes we had gotten at Costco, as well as I picked up some fresh asparagus and mushrooms at the local Produce Market totaling $7.29.

Easter dinner fed four adults with two of them having second helpings. Lunches for three adults on Monday and Tuesday.

The bone ends of the roast was put in the crockpot last night and with the leftover meat, leftover mushrooms, an onion and lots of black pepper has become a delicious soup for Wednesday's dinner.

I plan on making an asparagus quiche tomorrow with the last of the asparagus. I think that total spent of $85.89 was used wisely.  I had allotted $100 total for this meal (not included in monthly grocery totals) And there is still cake left!  That in itself is an Easter Miracle.  LOL


  1. Wow! You really put your leftovers to good use! We had our usual Easter ham ala Alton Brown (yummy!!). This year I got smart though and froze the ham slices into family sized portions so nothing goes to waste - and we don't end up eating ham for seven days straight! Although, prime rib....I could eat that every day! LOL


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